Class Description

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Title: Well-being: You are NOT What you Eat: Exploring Non-diet Approaches to Health (New)
Instructor: Emma M. Laing, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND, Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics    
Location: via Zoom
There is more to health than what we weigh, yet we live in a society that ties the way we look and what we eat to moral virtue. The phrase, You are what you eat, is often used to motivate people to healthfully fuel from the inside to produce a healthy appearance on the outside. The insinuation with this phrase and others like it, is that youre not worthy if you do not eat a clean enough diet or fit a thin ideal standard of beauty. References to weight gained during COVID-19, including before and after memes created for lighthearted laughs, highlight our fixation on diet culture, which can be harmful to many but particularly to marginalized identities. A hidden message in these references is the assumption that people have the privilege of focusing on health goals, and these ignore critical issues like socioeconomic status and food insecurity that can lead to stress and chronic illness. This talk will summarize a shift in traditional weight-centered approaches to health and will introduce non-diet approaches.